My knowledge of science is limited to elementary school projects regarding beans. If it's not about a bean sprouting, then it is out of my field of knowledge. So you must understand that when this
article talks about a man by the name of Christian Bok taking a bacteria and encoding a poem into it's genome so that it can create another poem (or whatever it is doing), I'll probably have very little to say on the topic. From what I read, the point of the experiment is to take a poem that he has created, encode it into the bacteria and then see if they (the bacteria) can create their own poem through the manufacturing of proteins. He uses a computer program to decipher....stuff.....and from there I just get completely lost.
In my mind, this guy is teaching bacteria how to make poems so that they can infect other bacteria with poetry which then can later infect larger organisms with poetry to the point that a human baby will be able to recite a poem as soon as it's born. If that is the case, then that sounds awesome.
But I'm probably wrong.
Hence why I am in an art program and not in anything related to science.
I find it fascinating that you mentioned that the bacteria injected with a decipher to create poetry would in fact, influence other bacteria. It gave me a cute image of how one would teach the other a thing or two about poetry. I don't know, I'm not sure it's something a bacteria would do but it's still an interesting thought.